Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

David’s Digest: Charity and Its Fruits, Part 1

The latest sermon series our group has been going through is Jonathan Edwards’ sermon series on “Charity and Its Fruits.” I had originally thought it might be a good series to go through as a group, but as we got into it, to me it is a most critical topic to be covered by anyone who claims to follow Christ.

Initially, we started listening to an audio version of the series I had found online, but sadly the speaker spoke way too fast, and it was very difficult to keep up. And so, I thought, hey, even I can read it; so I set out to find it in print online. I did find a print version, and started reading it to the group over a couple of weeks, but eventually discovered that what I was reading was just a small 18-page encapsulation of the whole sermon series, which was actually a 16 chapter book! And so, we started the series over, this time reading from the full chapters.

After chapter one, someone suggested we record them; and I figured, why not, since it was being read anyway. And so, here are the first eight parts that we’ve gone through (I had to go back and record chapter one, and then re-record chapter two because the printout I was reading from had some typos that made it difficult to get through — now I’m reading from an actual book version):

Charity and Its Fruits, by Jonathan Edwards

Chapter 1: Charity, or Love, the Sum of all Virtue

Chapter 2: Charity More Excellent Than the Extraordinary Gifts of the Spirit

Chapter 3: The Greatest Performances of Sufferings in Vain Without Charity

Chapter 4: Charity Disposes Us Meekly to Bear the Injuries Received from Others

Chapter 5: Charity Disposes Us to Do Good

Chapter 6: Charity Inconsistent With an Envious Spirit

Chapter 7: The Spirit of Charity Is a Humble Spirit

Chapter 8: The Spirit of Charity the Opposite of a Selfish Spirit

I can’t tell you enough how beneficial this has been to me, of course a lot of that uncovering my lacking, and learning about Christian charity in a much deeper and prayerfully more meaningful way. It is my prayer that God indeed grant us this Christian charity, for His glory and the benefit of His Church, and that we be in continual prayer for it.

The rest of the series is now available at “Charity and Its Fruits, Part 2.”

— David


  1. Anonymous

    Hi David & Susan,

    Liked the Charity recordings very
    much. Thank u for sharing.

    Pat Tolbert

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Mrs. Tolbert,

    We're thankful to the Lord for His maintaining His word throughout time, and for these other means of grace He's granted, and for what He's granted through them.

    May God guide your studies, and thanks for saying hi!

    — David

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