As it’s been with our other cats, it seems to me their names, or things I call them, lend themselves to musical tunes. And so, I put together lullabies for William and Mimi. Tuscan got a whole hymn. 🙂

Anyway, with our latest addition, Leila, her name seemed to lend itself to a melody as well, something rather lilt-y as it happened…

Her lyrics were simply her name repeated, “Leila, Leila…”, but since the tune also sounded like a lullaby, I attempted to put some lullaby-ish words to the melody, and here is how it worked out:

Thank You, our God, for all Your care
And for Your love and for Jesus there!
If You should grant we see the morn
Help us live lives that will you adorn!

Thank You, Our God, for All Your Care

Here’s a PDF:
Lullaby – Thank You, Our God, for All Your Care PDF

And this is a musical audio of the arrangement:

Lullaby – Thank You Lord for This Day of Care MP3 (instrumental)

And a vocal version:

Lullaby – Thank You Lord for This Day of Care MP3 (vocal)

As always, I’m thankful to be able to take the little tune and put a little something to it that hopefully glorifies God. 🙂

May we always be thankful for God’s care, and for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ!

— David