This is our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life (Hebrews 11:8-10) along the narrow way (Matthew 7:14), even the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16), submitting to the Bible as a light unto both (Psalms 119:105). It is our prayer that these documented moments in our earthly time benefit whom God might choose to edify, but ultimately that God glorifies Himself through them.

Category: agrarianism (Page 2 of 18)

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: Goat Kids of 2023

With moving our billies and nannies together this last autumn, it was kidding time! Interestingly, only one buck’s two females actually got bred this year, and the other four goats with the other buck didn’t get pregnant. Two are old, so we figure that might be expected, but not with the other two young ones, so we don’t really know what happened. Perhaps we didn’t leave them together long enough, or perhaps something’s going on with the male, and so Lord willing we’ll hopefully see what happens next season.

But, the Lord did graciously grant four bucklings! Besides the picture above, here is his brother:

2023 Goat Kid

And then, here’s their video. If you’re tired of hearing me on the videos most of the time, you get the full narrative from Sue on this one! šŸ˜€

Even though it didn’t turn out as anticipated, we thank God that He graciously granted the ones He did, and we pray they will maybe be a blessing to someone else!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: 2nd Round of 2023 Chicken Chicks

We had a broody hen I believe in the main chicken tractor, so we put her and a bunch of eggs in the mini tractor, and God graciously granted a 2nd round of chicks this 2023!

These are obviously a little older šŸ™‚ :

We just moved them into the pen area the other day too.

Sadly, one has some eye problems, but has made it all this time, and hopefully it will be ok in the pen area.

And here’s their video:

As always, we are grateful to the Lord for His provisions, and we pray for their safety and health!

— David

Providenceā€™s Perpetuation Provisions: 2023 Turkey Chicks

The Lord has graciously begun to grant new turkey chicks this 2023! We’ve been “collecting” them and putting them in the summer kitchen (which is really just a brooder barn) as they’ve been hatching in the barn, and have rotated a couple of mommies. It’s kind of a bummer “stealing” their youngin’s, but we don’t have a place for every mother hen and her hatchlings. We are thankful though it appears most of the turkey hens have been nesting in the barn so far and not out and about wherever.

And here’s a video of the progress thus far:

We are grateful to God for His kindness in providing these new turkeys, and we pray He might grant continued health and safety for them according to His will!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: 1st 2023 Chicken Chick

The Lord has graciously begun to grant new animal life this Spring of 2023, the first here a little chicken chick! I believe it was just hatched out by a mommy or several just randomly in the barn (ie. we didn’t set her aside to hatch any out).

We have quite a few chickens and turkeys doing that this year (we’re thankful they’re choosing the barn!), and so we’ll hopefully see how that continues to go.

Anyway, here it is again:

First 2023 Chicken Chick

And here’s a little video:

We always thank God for His continued provisions and His creation in action!

— David

Young 2022 Turkeys – Update I

With the chicken mommies hatching out a 2nd group and 3rd group of turkey chicks, and them continuing on in the brooder barn, and them getting big enough it seemed to not only cause ruckus in the brooder barn, but also because it’s just better to get them outside as quickly as possible, it was time to graduate them to freedom, and life with the rest of the turkey flock and homestead!

This was going to be something of an experiment, because in the past we’ve always sent them out with their turkey mommy to lead the way, so we were hoping despite that that they would stay around the homestead and go into the barn at night.

Sadly, by this time, one of the young turkeys caught a disease or something, and eventually didn’t make it. šŸ™ And so, from the original 13, there were now 12, which we show in the following video starting with the day of the release, and then their adjusting to the outside world:

Today, they are all pretty much doing well. I believe I injured one’s leg when trying to manually round them up one night because they weren’t going into the barn (which they had been doing just fine by themselves up to that point), and it’s still limping. And another has something wrong with one of its eyes…maybe a small infection? Not sure, so they spend a lot of time in the barn, often together, although the limping one just a little while ago today was looking pretty weak, so I pulled it and put it in its own cage back in the brooder barn so it has unencumbered access to water and turkey (wild game) feed, which maybe being as small as it is it still needs. We do ask God He might grant them recovery.

But generally, the other 10 or even the eye one too roam around like they own the place, šŸ™‚ although we do still have to direct them a little into the barn at night sometimes.

But, we do thank the Lord for their continued general health and safety, and pray He might continue to grant that to them!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: 2022’s Goat Kids

Well, the results of last year’s goat breeding time are in! šŸ™‚ God graciously granted 4 bucklings and 2 doelings, although there was another doeling, but she was still-born.

Here are some pictures when they were going to the kind gentleman who buys our goats:

Goat Kids 2022
Goat Kids 2022
Goat Kids 2022

Very sadly though, the Lord, as owner of the goats, decided to reclaim Annie, whose two bucklings are these last two pictures. Thankfully they were 7 weeks old when she died, so we didn’t have to bottle feed them.

Annie was also our little orphan from way back. Here’s a video of her and her brother Spot drinking off the bottles!

This is Hassie’s (Annie’s daughter) daughter (in front), which we’re keeping to replace Annie. We’re calling her Annalita, in honor of grandma. šŸ™‚

Goat Kids 2022

Goodbye Annie…we’ll miss you…

Annie and Her Kids 2021

Lastly, here’s the video of 2022’s kids:

We always thank the Lord for His gracious provisions, and for the milk, and we pray the kids do well for the new owner!

— David

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