Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

The Blog Days of Winter

This Winter has gone on a bit longer than usual, at least from what we’ve experienced in our time here so far; and it’s also been wetter and colder than normal. With that continuing, yesterday, the Lord brought a decent amount of the “white stuff” to the land.

This was how things were first thing in the morning:

And this is how it was in the early afternoon:

We once again thank God for His mercies in the weather, the provisions of warmth and shelter He has allowed us, and for the provisions of the moisture for the ground.

— David



  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for the snow coverage footage. As I said to Deblyn, you really have received a bit of coverage this season. Praise to God for His Sovereignty! Gary, Gigi? and the Goats were nice to see again and your land. I always laugh at wobbly walkin' Gary. (a compliment, by the way) My cousins had geese and they too, were always right there with ya!

    I'd commented on this post the other day; but lost it somehow in the final read. With this laptop, if I type too fast or slide the base of my hand wrong I can erase or send things accidently.

    Pray you and Susan are doing well, Lord willing. Thanks for all your prayers as well.


  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Yes, thanks to the Lord for His graces and mercies. Thanks, Beth; and we pray you are well also.

    — David

  3. Anonymous

    Thanks for more footage. Based on talking with Michael, I assume that all your water storage is full. Praise God! Certainly a different situation from a few years ago. What a blessing.

    – Todd from stump country

  4. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Todd,

    Yes, our cistern and black tank are full. Indeed, thanks to the Lord for His graces and mercies; and His provisions, both spiritual and temporal!

    — David

  5. Anonymous

    Nice footage of the land and snow coverage, David. Enjoyed seeing your geese and goats again! The birds cackling on the video I assume are your "cool chickens"? Maybe the white fluff bothers them a bit more.
    Yes, looks familiar to what WI has had all winter; but ours has been consistantly about 2-3 feet deep. Seems to be melting underneath and around tree bases now, with the ice crust gone in the center, that had developed midwinter.

    So Spring is on it's way, Lord willing! Praise God!

    God bless both of you!


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