Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Passover 2015

The other night, we once again gathered together to celebrate the Lord God’s mighty temporal and spiritual works represented in the Passover!

Here we are getting ready to start the Passover seder:

Getting Ready for the Passover Seder

Here, Sarah reads the four questions that are answered during the seder?

  1. Why do we eat unleavened bread on this night when all other nights we eat leavened bread?
  2. Why do we eat only bitter herbs on this night when all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables?
  3. Why do we dip our vegetables twice on this night when we do not dip our vegetables even once all other nights?
  4. Why do we eat our meals reclining on this night when on all other nights we eat our meals sitting

Child Reading the Seder Questions

This is our seder plate and the cup of wine. The lamb represents Christ, the Lamb of God; the bitter herbs (horseradish here) represent the bitterness of bondage; the “matzah” is unleavened, representing how quickly the Israelites had to leave Egypt; and the “haroset,” a mixture of apples, nuts, grape juice and cinnamon, represents the mortar the Israelites used to build the Egyptian cities, and the sweetness of a better world. And there are four cups — the cups of sanctification, judgement, redemption, the kingdom; Christ drank only the first two, and we drink only the first and third, skipping the second cup because Christ took God’s judgement on Himself, and the fourth cup in waiting for joining with Christ in glory one day, we pray:

Passover Seder Plan & Cup of Wine

The “karpas” (celery here) symbolizes the new life for the Jewish people and the hyssop used to sprinkle the blood on the door posts, and is dipped into salt water representing the tears of slavery:

Dipping Bigger Herbs in Salt Water

These are all “types” or shadows of the spiritual realities of being set free from the bondage of sin and its rule in one’s life (where now one also has the freedom to obey in matter and manner of God’s commands), and set free from the penal death for sin and from the law as a covenant of works and from the ceremonial law. And again, these are only made possible by the sacrificial Lamb, the Lord Christ Jesus, who also brings sweetness in obeying Him and to the tears of sorrow for sin in forgiveness with repentance.

Mr. Bunker holds up the matzah, or unleavened bread, as representing Christ, which he eventually breaks and wraps in linen, as Christ was broken and wrapped in linen:

Holding Up the Matzah Bread

Here, we’ve dipped our finger in the wine 10 times, representing the 10 plagues brought down on Egypt:

10 Dips of Wine for the 10 Egypt Plagues

And then it was time to eat the Passover meal:

The Passover Meal

Eating the Passover Meal

More Eating the Passover Meal

It was a blessed time of fellowship and remembrance of the Lord Christ Himself and His great works!

We pray the light of His glory in the work of His graces in worthless vessels shine forth from us, for the glory of His name, even if it’s just for the heavenly realms to see:

Passover Lit Candles

We’re grateful to the Lord for His infinite graces and mercies and condescension in providing and becoming the sacrifice for His people. May His name be praised forever!

— David


  1. Judy

    I watch you all remember the Passover every year. It is such a beautiful picture. Thank you, elder David, for your explanation of the meaning of the ceremony and for your commitment to continued sharing of these wonderful spiritual times in the life of your community.

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Mrs. B,

    I know I say the the following things often, but we're just very grateful to the Lord to have the opportunity to meet together to do these things; and it is our main prayer God glorifies Himself through these things, and we pray for graces imparted to us through them.

    Thanks for saying hello! Always nice to hear from you…please tell Mr. B we say hello too!

    — David

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